Potty Training ?

Updated on October 19, 2007
B.W. asks from West Olive, MI
6 answers

My 2.5G does really well when she is bare bottom, but when I put panties on her she forgets to go to the potty. Has anyone else been through similar probs? I don't ask her to go she just runs in there when she has to go. She can get her panties off by her self, so I know that isn't the issue with them. When I do ask or tell her to go it is met with a "NO". She even goes #2 in the potty when she is bare bottom.
Any help or advice would be great.
Thanks B.

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So What Happened?

I ended up getting regular big girl panties, not the thick training ones. I leave a night light on in the potty during the night hours since afternoon by potty doesn't get much light. I also leave the door open. She has goon for a week now with only 6 accidents. We still use the diaper at bedtime. I remind her every 45mins that it is time to go potty. Everything stops till she goes and at least tries, sometimes I have to take a toy out of her hands, and she throws a fit, but relizes very quickly that if she goes to the potty she can have it back.

More Answers



answers from Benton Harbor on

Hi B.~
Sounds like she just needs to be bare for a while. She is getting the idea, and better yet, it's all on her own! If you can trust that she won't go on the floor then just let her be. I don't think it will take long before she is really used to being clean and dry, then when you do put undies on her she'll be uncomfortable if she potties in them. I think she is right on track and this is just one of those quirks that some kids do...no harm done if it gets you to the ultimate goal. I know it's probably strange to have her running around naked, but perhaps a longer t-shirt or a nightgown for a while can help that (or maybe even a skirt...at home, of course) :)

Good luck...sounds like you are doing a good job at following her cues and letting her lead!

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answers from Grand Rapids on

No real advice just a question to think about... Is she able to pull the underwear down herself? Maybe she is trying to stress her independance and doesn't want mom's help but she is having a hard time with the underwear, getting it off in time? Good luck with it all!



answers from Kalamazoo on

As long as she is doing this all by herself, try putting some food coloring in the bathroom. Tell her when she goes in to put 1 or 2 drops in the water, then go potty and see what color it makes.... Kids are totally amazed at what this does... It not only helps the potty training, but helps learn about mixing colors..
good luck



answers from Kalamazoo on

I went through this with my 2.5 year old son.. He would go all the time if he was half naked without even tellin me but once i put underwear on him he wouldnt tell me at all he had to go or even go in there by himself. what i did was put him in big boy underwear and if he did potty in them ( #1) i would tell him that its gross to go potty in his underwear and that nemo ( the kind of underwear he has ) doesnt like to be pottied on and if he went #2 i would also tell him it was gross and that it doesnt feel very good does it . and if you stress the its ocky and make a big deal out of it and tell her that she cant go potty in her underwear and has to go on the toilet .. shell soo get the clue that its ocky to .. so good luck and hopefully it will pass soon .. it took my son a couple of weeks or so to get the clue and understand what i was saying to him...



answers from Grand Rapids on

Hi B.,
Sounds like she is doing great. If you don't mind letting her run around bare bottom let her. It probably won't be long before she is not having accidents. Good luck.


answers from Kalamazoo on

I would say to tell her to go at least every hour. If she says no, just stop everything until she goes and tries. My daughter was the same way, but soon learned that we don't leave the house or go outside until she goes potty. If she didn't try to go when I told her, then I would take the toy she was playing with, turn off the tv, etc, until she went and tried like I told her to. I also tell my children that "I wasn't asking you, I was telling you". If she is stubborn like my daughter, this is just the beginning of the "no" and "I don't want to" My daughter was potty trained by 2 1/2, but I continued to remind her to go until 3yrs old if I noticed she had not gone in awhile. Good Luck sounds like she's almost there!!! Yeh!!!!!!!!!!

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