unfortunately, lots of kids have problems with potty training when it comes to poop, it's very common. My daughter has been potty trained for over 7 months and still has problems at times. she will go on the potty but will hold it in until the last possible minute, it makes her miserable. she actually started out going poop on the potty before she turned two and did that for months with no problems. it seemd after she was fully potty trained that these new problems have arrised. and hearing from lots of other Moms that have similar issues (even with 5 or 6 year olds), the only thing I can say is that it's kind of a normal thing they go through, not just learning to go on the potty, but having problems even after they are trained. so unfortunately sometime sit's a long process. going in her diaper may just be what she is used to and the thought of doing that in the potty scares her. the actual sensation i think is where many issues come from. Try to get her mind off of it when it's time. sit with her and read her a book or sing her a song, or if she likes to be alone give her some books or make up a fun song she can sing while she's going. maybe praise her if and when she goes, give her a sticker or something else she likes. after she's done, she'll see there was nothing to be scared of or worried about, tell her that and talk to her about it. she's almost three so she'll understand that. maybe make a chart? some kids like that too. just sharing some stuff that has worked for me with my daughter. good luck!