My daughter was holder all through potty training. It is so hard because it creates a vicious cycle. They hold it because they feel it will hurt then it hurts because they hold it. My daughter would hold it for 4-5 days and it was just so sad. We basically had to change her diet and give her supplements and medicines every day to make it easier for her to go or so easy she could not hold it in until she trusted it would not hurt and be scary. Please know this can take time but it is worth it. We had to eliminate or drastically decrease dairy from her diet, give her vitamin c supplements, miralax, high fiber foods, no binding foods (bananas, rice, apples, toast), no juice, and lots of water. Eventually things did work out and we could take her off the miralax (we did it for about 2 weeks) and then she stopped holding it.
I would ask your daughter why she holds it and go from there. Ask her if it is a control thing, if she does not want to stop or interupt an activity to take the time to go, if she is afraid it will hurt etc. and if she answers to yes to the first two you will need to talk to her so she can trust that she is not missing out on things by going to the bathroom, and that by holding it in by means of controlling it is not healthy. Hopefully you find this helpful and good luck!