Have a pregnancy blood test done. If positive, some placenta was left behind. If negative, time should take care of it.
Hi, I gave birth naturally to my 4th child 7 weeks ago today. Everything went well and has since been going well other than I have not stopped bleeding. I tapered off and then about 10 days postpartum I had red bleedingagain and had to wear pads. I passed one clot about the size of a ping pong ball but that was all. I called the dr and they told me it was normal and was probably shedding the site at where my placenta was attached. They told me what to look for and when I needed to be seen. It started to taper off again. It will come back red and go away to a light brown, sometimes stopping for 2 days completely. Then again at 5 1/2 weeks PP I started bleeding more where I needed to go back to pads. It wasn't super heavy but wasn't light either. I called again and they said that everything sounded okay and to again look for signs of PPH. I went in last week to my 6 week appt. Still bleeding nothing heavy but red/pink. My ob did an exam anyway because it was light and said that it looked like things were heading in the right direction and that if I was still bleeding in two weeks to come back. I had noticed that when I took an ibuprophen the bleeding would stop. My OB said that if my stomach could handle it I could take them and it would help cut off the bleeding. So I've been doing that for the past week, one a day and it's been really light and went from red to pink to brown and even lighter. Then last night I started getting red/pink blood again. Not a ton but it's red. I'm scared and am wondering if this has ever happened to anyone. I don't seem to have an infection, my OB said that she couldn't see placenta, although I know that some could be there that is not visible to the naked eye. They also told me that some women can bleed off and on for up to 3 months while it's not the normal, it's not abnormal either. She said that she'd probably put me on a low dose birth control pill if I was still bleeding next week. I'm exclusively breastfeeding and the pills, even the mini pill messes with my milk production. Its never really been super heavy and I have no pain or fever. Should I just wait and see and stop freaking out and researching PPH. lol I was always done bleeding 3 weeks after my first 3, so this is new and different and feels like something is wrong. Thanks in advance for your responses!
**i most definitely am up cleaning, taking care of children and lifting things heavier than my baby(my 3 year old) my other kids are 7,5 and 3. With them being so little I have to do a lot. I still am way far away from my normal routine and feel like I should be doing so much more. Guess I need to slow down. How do people have more than 4 kids? Lol seems like my body isn't too happy with me. Thanks ladies! It's always so nice to have people who relate.
Have a pregnancy blood test done. If positive, some placenta was left behind. If negative, time should take care of it.
It's normal for women to have PP bleeding up to 8-12 wks after giving birth. I was one of the unfortunate ones that went for about 8 wks. Sounds like you were fortunate your first 3 times around! As long as the bleeding remains light to moderate try not to worry. Always call if you are truly concerned, but stop the googling, you are just getting yourself worried! Congrats on your newest addition!
I have 4 & I know w/ my last 2, I was bleeding for more than 8 weeks. It really seemed to increase w/ prolonged strenuous activity. It's hard with 3 other kids but maybe try to cut down on your activity a bit.
Are you lifting anything heavier than your baby? Are you doing housework? Are you going to work and moving around a lot and coming home and doing cooking, cleaning and stuff?
I will bet that you are doing too much. You need to cut down to the BARE MINIMUM physically and give your body a chance to heal. If you don't, you'll lose your breastfeeding because you'll have to go on the pill.
Time to take care of your body RIGHT NOW before you lose the breastfeeding.
I saw the OB when I was still bleeding at that point after our second child and was told it wasn't normal. I was put on a mega dose of Ibuprofen (800 mg.) and that got it all to finally stop.
It is possible it could be your period. Not sure how likely that is since you are exclusively BFing but it could happen.
With my second child, I was still bleeding at 6 weeks so my doctor gave me a pill to make the bleeding stop and it did. (My son passed away at 17 days old so my doctor was being kind when he gave me something to make the bleeding stop. Not sure if he would have done it otherwise.)
I have 3 kids. My first 2 the bleeding tapered off quickly, before the 6 weeks and it was 6 months before I got my period back. With my third though. My period came back right away and just kept coming like clockwork after. Nothing different. All 3 exclusively breastfed, no pacifiers, no pumping at all, no bottles or formula, on demand. Just my body decided it didn't want to stop having periods. My midwife checked everything out and I was fine. I actually noticed the signs of ovulation (the egg white mucus and all of that) but thought I was imagining it or that it was just a weird discharge. I was wrong.
No idea what was different. But I was fine.
You're OB is on top of it and knows about the situation. If they aren't panicking I wouldn't either.
One other thought - have you had your thyroid checked? After my second child, my thyroid went off the rails and I had my period for 6 months straight. :(
The more you do, the more you bleed. I have give birth to 8, so I know exactly what you are talking about. Do as little as possible right now. I know, easier said than done. Figure out what you can leave or have hubby take care of. Your older 2 could help with little things too, putting clothes in washer, moving them to dryer. Please try to slow down.