I had the baby blues after my first for about two or three months. I cried all the time, felt like I was doing everything wrong, I was sleep deprived big time (that just made it worse), I was torn about staying home with my baby and not going back to work, I often daydreamed about going in the backyard and shooting myself against the tree we had (so I wouldn't make a mess that everyone would have to clean up). I felt like my husband would be better off without me and he could find a better, happier wife that had it together.
I didn't get on antidepressants. I took them for a short time when I was in college and all they did was make me daydream about driving off bridges and whether anyone would attend my funeral...my mother made me flush them.
I had to deal with depression the old fashioned way. I prayed alot. I've had a problem off and on since I was about 10 years old. I can honestly say for the past eight years of so I've gotten a handle on it. And I can only attribute it to one thing. Getting into a good church and really developing a relationship with God that is real. Nothing else worked for me. I tried drugs, counseling and so on.
Now when I had the baby blues I leaned on God and my husband. I never wanted to harm my baby as some mothers do, but I did want to harm myself. I confided in my husband and he loved on me that much more which helped.
I'm not against doctors, counselors, or even antidepressants...but everyone is different and has to deal with it in a way that works for them. Not everyone can be treated the same way. The important thing is you are trying to figure it all out and work your way through it. Don't give into it...you know the way it drags you down and makes you want to hide under the covers all day. Fight it. Confide in someone that you can trust. Do some things for yourself so you feel better...don't go around feeling ugly or whatever (for awhile I just gave into the whole notion that I was fat and ugly...I didn't try to lose the weight, I didn't put on makeup, I didn't do anything to my hair, I wore the frumpiest clothes to cover myself up) At some point I decided that at one point in my life I cared about my appearance and I wasn't a bad looking woman and that for my daughter's sake and my husband's sake I needed to get it together. I didn't want to be the fat, frumpy, slob mom that showed up at school for my kids. I didn't want my husband to wonder what happened to his beautiful bride.
Now I'm still overweight to some degree but I try to keep it in check. I put on some makeup to improve the look of my skin...some mascara to look a little prettier. I do my hair to look like a care. I get dressed everyday. And it helped.
Taking care of myself was the first step for me. Then I started concentrating on being the best mommy and wife. I researched things I could do at home to encourage my daughters mental and physical development. I researched recipes to cook at home. I started researching home improvement projects so I could decorate my house and my daughter's room. I asked my mother-in-law to teach me to sew. I started gardening again. I volunteered to help in the church nursery. I started making meals for those that just had surgery or a baby.
Helping others is a great way to forget your own troubles. It lifts your spirits like nothing else.
Now the physical pain could be a manifestation of your depression. Have you tried to go for long walks to work it out. Start an exercise program to work those muscles. If that doesn't work then you may need to go back to the doctor to make sure there is nothing else physically to worry about.
Another thing you might try is to start concentrating on the positive. Every time you feel the urge to start dwelling on something negative wipe it out of your mind. Start thinking about your beautiful children that you are blessed with. Start thinking of your wonderful husband. Your home. Your family. Dwell on things that you really should be thankful for and tell yourself over and over that you are. It is almost like you are brainwashing yourself. But sometimes we have to do that to be happy. Some are blessed with a happy disposition...others like myself had to develop it and convince themselves to be happy. It works though. Just never give up. Never, never, never give in to it.
Good luck and God Bless!