I don't want to scare you or anyone else, but I stongly do NOT beleive this discomfort will ever go away. This November will be 9 years I had my 1st one with my son and I'm still in pain. I will say, the idiot that did mine, missed the 1st 3 times. Yes, you're reading this correctly. He missed 3 times. Thanks God he got it in on the 4th try or I would've completely passed out at that point. My husband, a police officer and who sees a lot, had to walk away to the bathroom because he got sick. The nurse was yelling at this guy to stop and he wouldn't. I've never been right after that. I'm back going to the chiropractor and it's giving my some relief. When it was time to have my daughter, I opted no epidural or meds and I thought I was going to die. Unfortunately, I didn't have a choice in the end because she wasn't coming so they had to go in for her! At that point, I had switched Drs and hospitals so I was fine, but VERY nervous. Seek advise from a back specialist to see if there's any type of stretching you can do. I wish you the best of luck because I know, almost 9 years later, what you're going through. Feel better and God Bless your new bundle of joy!!!