I could have written your request myself for things over the last two years. Easily for me - I had a baby and it was clear that PPD was to blame. I have finally hit on some help through diet and Dr. Bennet - PPD Dr.
A few things I highly recommend - easy to do (okay - need scheduling) and not expensive.
1.It may take time to explain this......try to find your internal voice....you know the one that says all those horrid guilty and blaming comments, that keep you angry at everyone around you recounting injustices......that one. Try to capture that mental talk - write it down if you need to. But most importantly.....STOP the thought immediately when you know it's not anything beneficial to your mood, change it around and talk back to yourself. You will need to rephrase things to minimize exaggerations,or let go of the past that you keep recounting and cannot change. Or present issues that you cannot change but keep reliving in your mind, like with a boss. Your mind and body relive it by you thinking it.....call that real stress and anxiety that we do (ME TOO!) to ourselves. It will really tire you out and weigh down your mind and soul.
2. Goofy but true - I have affirmations all over the downstairs....things like "My mind is calm and at peace" - I love that one. Printed out with flowers on 8 X 11 sheets. I have a good one for you that I use....it goes like this:
I am my #1 priority. It is essential that I take care of myself so that I can take care of my family {internalize this!}
3. GET SLEEP!!! If this means getting in bed at 9pm then DO IT!. Your serotonin (happy feeling chemicals) will drop and keep dropping if you aren't getting AT LEAST 6 HOURS of UNINTERRUPTED sleep EVERY night. BIG issue for me and probably every mom. It bears repeating....GET SLEEP!!
4. Meds - I hate them but take them. You can try some cheaper OTC herbals to see if that works like chamomile and other teas for stress, kava kava, st johns wort, or research other trace minerals and their impact online.
5. Improve your nutrition - sugar would be my first thought as a culprit and contributor to depression.
6. Others said these as well - some regular exercise. You don't have to cycle for miles. Calming short walks if you can.
7. Time for K. - 2 hours 3-4 times a week where you only do what K. wants - with others or alone. Not house chores, no cleaning, not laundry, not driving around doing errands. TIME FOR K. - like reading, long showers, going to a park or the library, strolling the mall, crafts, holding and cuddling a pet. Whatever makes your center glow - for 2 hours, no less.
8. Ask for help if you need it - always, like when scheduling your time and needing a sitter. ASK FOR HELP!!
Well I am off my soapbox. I can only recount these because I am living them all myself presently. It helps to tell someone else and internalize them myself.
Keep us posted deary. Big hugs and bestest warmest wishes.
K. too... :) Email or message me any time you want!