It sounds normal to me as long as it's formed (not diarrhea), sinks in the toilet, and appears to consist of fully digested matter in general.
The reason I make these distinctions is that watching the poop was one of the key ways that we discovered that our son is gluten intollerant (celiac). His stools became light-colored, greasy, and ranged from soft/bulky to loose. He also got quite gassy and his stools floated (fatty stool where the body is expelling insted of processing normal fats in foods) and appeard mostly undigested. They also smelled TERRIBLE.
These are some classic signs of gluten intollerance that helped us to catch it early (thank god) but his stools weren't white or black (light brown, tan, and even yellowish), and I know some docs have suggested that these are the only colors to be concerned with. If fact, with celiac disease effecting an estimated 1 in every 100 to 120 people it's a lot more common than most of us ever realized!
In your daughter's case, if they're just softly formed and brown they're probably just fine. But if your mommy instinct is telling you that there's something not quite right about them, you're wise to investigate!