iron hands down, if its an ingound pool, with a locking childproof gate
Is a mesh pool fence or iron pool fence protect better???
iron hands down, if its an ingound pool, with a locking childproof gate
Nothing protects better than swimming lessons!!
I have had both. The house that I owned with my ex, we put in the iron fence. I believe it was several thousand. But we had little kids and I felt like it was the best choice.
My current husband and I are renting a house now, and we paid $1800 for the mesh fence that is consisdered "temporary". Our kids are older now, 16, 12 and 9 and we have lived here for 4 years and will take it with us when we move. We NEVER take it down. People say they do when they have parties, my opinion is that is when you need the MOST protection.
I know of people who have those barriors that stretch over the pool, you can walk on it, but RARELY, especially in summer, do they bother to put it on every time they are done swimming, its just WAY too much work...so what protection is that?
If its a home you own and have the money, I would get the iron. Good luck.
I did a 6 foot tall mesh pool fence. We don't plan on staying in the house so if another family buys it, they have the option of removing it. I think it's been a safe choice though, I don't regret it, we've been very happy.
Both protect equally well. BUT, that said, both have to be closed and locked when the pool is not in use. Many stories of kids drowning because of gates left propped open or chairs left where they can be used as ladders. So get either one, just remember to use it properly. Mesh doesn't need as much maintenance. Metal rusts and has to be painted periodically.
Have you checked with regulations for your city?