I have never had a child with pinworms...however, I, myself dealt with them for all of my younger life. You do NOT want to have her just let them "go away". They're painful...they make you itch...and it's horrible. I remember when I had them as a child, my mom always got medication from the doctor for them. When I was in high school and got them, I was living in Germany, and was able to just get the medication from the drugstore. And...as an adult, when I got them...I used a natural remedy (fresh carrots & fresh garlic...NASTY stuff, but it works). Unfortunately, being that I've been a chronic nailbiter ALL my life...that is where my problem was from, because obviously, with my hands always in my mouth, it passes germs more quickly. I am 29 now, and the last time I had to deal with them was about 10 years ago. Like I said, though...I personally would never make my child go any length of time with the pinworms if I could help it. They do crawl out of the anus at night, and in females, often find their way to the vagina...and, like I said...VERY painful. Anyway...for medications...here's a couple of sites: http://www.pinwormanswers.com/ and
Anyway...good luck!