I would not put the pillow in. If he sleeps on top of the lamb as a pillow let him do that. He can smother himself and sufficate.
Hello Mommies! Our little guy is almost 13 months old now and I was wondering everyone's thoughts on him sleeping with a blanket and a pillow. I cover him with a blanket during his naps but haven't tried it at night time. Also, he sleeps with his lamb and sheep and I find him a lot of times sleeping with Lambey under his head like a pillow. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ladies!
I would not put the pillow in. If he sleeps on top of the lamb as a pillow let him do that. He can smother himself and sufficate.
SIDS is the reason why we don't want babies to sleep with blankets/pillows. Once they are able to hold their head up and roll over to adjust themselves-then it is considered safe to add a pillow and or blanket. After 6 months and certainly 12 is safe. When my son was still in his crib, we got him a travel pillow to sleep on--it worked great!
he is ready for a pillow and blanket.
I have always covered my son with a blanket-- I have one that's a small quilt so it's heavier than a light blanket that he could get tangled in. I can't remember how old he was when I started him with a pillow-- it was somewhere between 12-18 months-- but he uses a couch pillow so it's a bit firmer so I don't worry that he'll sink into it and not be able to breathe