My brother lived off of yogurt, bananas and cheerios, literally when he was around 1-2. He was scrawny, but grew up to be over 6ft and 200lbs.
I would just give him what he wants to eat and continue to offer other foods as often as you can. He is just going thru a phase. As far as the meat in the jars...I havent met a baby yet that likes that stuff. Have you tasted it? Try the meat mixed w/ fruit: turkey and apples, chicken and swt. potatoes, they love those.
You could also try NO FOOD at all and stick w/ bottles and cereal...mixed w/ a little fruit. Then in a month or so try starting foods all over again, and dont start w/ fruits, start w/ veggies.
I am not sure why people feed their kids so young these days...its not really necessary. My kids didnt even START on baby food until around 5/6months. Straight formula or breast milk up until then. Good luck.