It is amzaing th social issues that arise in such early years...especially with girls. As parents we are charged with helping them to navigate this landscape throughout their lives. There are m,any books on the subject one is called"best Friends Worst Enimies" and should be mandatory reading for all parents. I would help your daughter to find the words to help her deal with such situations as they are bound to reoccur in the future and unfortunately we can not always remove and protect our children from bullying especialy once they are in school. I wonder if you asked the advice of some of the lax mom's if it may also bring the issue to their attention and they might be able to help their girls have more appropriate behavior too. Maybe phrasing it as " I miss hanging out with you guys. My daughter seems to be on the senstive side and I wonder if you have any suggestions as to how we can have the girls play together cooperatively so everyone has fun?" Best of Luck!!