Sounds like pee to me.
Call your Ob/GYN just to check.
So I am 16 weeks pregnant with 3rd baby and have been coughing all day today. I feel a little leaky. Im not sure if it is urine or what...It seems clear but has an ammonia smell to it? What could it be?
Sounds like pee to me.
Call your Ob/GYN just to check.
It's very likely a leaky bladder, especially since during pregnancy your bladder is never empty. You always have at least a 1/3 full bladder. But if you're getting little gushes or leaking when you're not coughing or if you really question that you might be amniotic fluid instead of urine then you should call your OB/midwife/NP. They can take a sample of the fluid and put it on a litmus test strip and find out in minutes if it's urine or amniotic fluid. Chances are really, really likely that it's urine. Put a pad in your skivvies for now and call your doctor.
I would assume it was pee. If you want the dr can do a swab. The results come back pretty fast.
it could be you wetting lightly or other feminine fluids.. if your worried about the other have the dr give you some of the litmus test strips so you can check yourself
hope everything is ok
Yah call your Doc just in case.
But when pregnant, the pee smell of a woman changes.
Call Doc just to make sure....