K.- I agree...this is a very HOT topic. I have a 3 year old who I fully vaccinated and a 9 month old that I have chosen not to vaccinate at all based upon a ton of research that I have done on the whole vaccination process.
I just read a great book that I think is pretty balanced on this topic. It is called Childhood Vaccinations by Lauren Feder. She is an MD that has gone a little more Holistic in her practice. She does responsible/selective vaccinations in her practice, but she did not vaccinate her own children.
I have serious health problems, and hired a Body Ecologist to help me with my diet, etc. Her advice on vaccinations was not to do it at all (she works with my pediatrician in helping autistic children), but if you want to do it selectively, not to begin until the child is at least 2 years of age, which gives their immune system a chance to form and become strong. She also said that you should never give a child a vaccine when their immune system is compromised or taxed...i.e. when they are ill.
When I was a child, I had about 8 vaccines given to me. Now, there are about 30+. Since being diagnosed with CMT, I have really tried to reflect on my life and what might have happened over the last 38 years to trigger my disease. I feel strongly that the vaccinations and the heavy doses of antibiotics were a major issue in damaging my DNA. That is why I have decided to forgo them for my daughter, Hope.
I do have a pediatrician at Baylor Grapevine that supports my decision 100%, so if you need someone, let me know. He could also help you with selective vaccinations.
Good Luck!