
Updated on April 22, 2012
A.L. asks from El Dorado Hills, CA
8 answers

I am not great at sewing and I am trying to sew on my daughters girl scout patches to her vest. There are some that are fairly easy to do. The ones that have a border around them are pretty easy. The ones that have no border I don't know how to get on. I heard the glue doesn't work at all. I have tried adhesive and doesn't work. How do I get them on??

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answers from Pittsburgh on

All of them are supposed to iron on. There are specific directions you need to follow though. (Heat area first, use press cloth, then iron backside...)

If all else fails, I was at Michael's today looking in their small sewing section. They sell some sort of adhesive specifically for patches/badges. I can't recall what it was called, but there were 5 sheets and it seemed like it was a peel, stick, and press. (It was around the Heat and Bond if that helps.)

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answers from Chicago on

My mom had her dry cleaning lady do mine :)

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answers from Sacramento on

The tailor down the street charges $1.00 a patch. In listening to all the other moms, there isn't a good product out there yet.

I sew my daughter's patches on with a machine. I use clear plastic thread on the top of the patch and regular colored thread in the bobbin. The clear thread allows me to sew any color patch on easily. As long as you don't iron the patch (and melt the thread), it stays really well.



answers from Sacramento on

There is some stuff you can get at the Girlscout stor that you cut out the same shape as the patch, its like an adhesive and then I believe you go over it with an iron. I used it a couple of years ago for my daughter's patches. I'd call the DS store and ask them. Good luck



answers from Chicago on

I've heard of Badge Magic. I'm told its sold at Walmart and maybe craft stores like Michael's. Someone gave me a piece and it worked perfectly.



answers from Chicago on

Yea, I've always heard of them being ironed on too.... In fact, I've heard one troop mom brings an iron to the meetings to iron on everyone's badges at the same time, so they don't get lost or whatever.



answers from Dallas on

They aren't iron on like the boy scouts ones?? My sons patches have all been iron on for scouts so I'm not real sure. I guess you could just needle/thread them on yourself, time consuming, but they'll be on real good:)



answers from San Francisco on

I've tried ironing them on, sewing them on and gluing too. What I've found works best is taking them to the dry cleaner and paying them to do it. Large patches (karate uniform) are $5.00 each and smaller ones (girl scouts and boy scouts) are less.

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