I had tubes put in my daughters ears at 18 months and I was so scared and afraid I was making the right decision that I was sick about it. She was having constant double ear infections and was not recovering from one before another one hit. I finally met with an excellent ENT from Aspen Clinics, Dr. Shefelbine and she convinced me to put them in. We brought her in to Childrens for the surgury, they put her out in my arms, and she woke up in my arms. That was the worst part. That was 2 years ago now, she has had only one ear infection since then. She is so much happier and I wish I would have done it earlier to save her from so much pain and me from sleepless nights.
Now another story about a mom who refused to give her child tubes, I worked with a very nice 18 year old guy at the high school who had two hearing aids, one day he told me the story about why he needed them and it was from the extensive scarring and damage done to his ears from his chronic ear infections because his mom wanted to be all natural. He has only 20% hearing and when I asked him how he felt about that he has to wear hearing aids for life now he said he will never forgive his mother for not getting tubes in his ears as his ent told him that this could have been prevented if he would have had tubes as a child.
Go for the tubes, save your child the pain.