I'm around the same age and know how yiu feel. I just went for a nice massage recently and the massage therapist reminded me that I need to stretch. When she told me that, I thought, "Oh, yeah!"...which reminded me that I can help the aches and pains by doing yoga or exercising regularly also. In all the hustle and bustle of life with a baby now, I'd forgotten all of the healthy things I used to do to take care of myself. I agree that a good chiropractor or massage therapist is what you need to straighten your muscles out and then you should stretch everyday and get yourself on a regular yoga/exercise routine.
Good luck and hope you're feeling back to your "old" self soon! (sorry, bad joke) :)
P.S., Have you been getting enough vitamin D and daily exposure to sunlight? Vitamin D deficiency can cause bones to ache. Very easily remedied with daily walks, supplementation, and adding Vitamin D-rich foods to your diet. Be careful not to get too much though!