I am right there with you. Actually I am 36 weeks pregnant tomorrow, but I have been experiencing the same type of discomfort since about 20 weeks. This is also my second pregnancy, and I too do not recall felling this type of pain during my first pregnancy, at least not that soon. My first daughter is now 5 years old.
I think the pressure/pain is because I am carrying much lower during this pregnancy. My baby has also been head down for at least the past 2 months, whereas my first baby did not turn until about 33/34 weeks. Earlier in my pregnancy, I experienced more pain in my hips and a lot of stiffness when I first got up in the morning. I also found it difficult to get moving when I sat at my desk for long periods of time during the work day. For the past month I have experienced less pain and more of what I would describe as a lot of pressure and discomfort in my lower abdomen and pelvis.
I have just been trying to take it easy as much as possible with a full-time demanding job and an 8 year old stepdaughter and 5 year old daughter at home. My husband is very supportive. I have tried not to take much medication, even though I know Tylenol is supposed to be OK. I have taken Tylenol at times when I have specific plans and I know I need to be "up to the occasion", but I try to limit it (just a personal choice). I have also known other moms-to-be who have done the same.
Good luck and take it easy.