I believe there is...in fact, I think I tried the day before my ovulation date and got pregnant. Good luck!
Hi moms! If I were one day ahead of my ovulation date, will there be a possibility that I can get pregnant? For example, according to the conception calendar that I looked at(and several others)they ALL said that my conception date will be between Dec.30-Jan.1st. Before looking at the calendar I estimated the date myself and I was one day off. I thought the best time would've been December 29th and we've only done it once(only Dec.29th). My husband and I are trying for our second baby. Our first is almost two years old in a few months and we thought it would be a good time to start again.
Thank you for all your responses. Went to the doctor's and found out I am 6 weeks pregnant. WOO HOO! Both my husband and I are very excited!
I believe there is...in fact, I think I tried the day before my ovulation date and got pregnant. Good luck!
Yes, absolutely. That may be how I got pregnant with our twins. If you're not timing your ovulation, it's even harder to be sure. That "ovulate on day 14" thing doesn't hold for everybody.
Fun tidbit: The idea that you're likelier to have girls this way isn't an old wives' tale. A doctor friend who was looking at artificial insemination explained that she was likelier to have a boy because they wait for ovulation and then inseminate; if you have an...er…ambush waiting for the egg, you're likelier to have a girl. It's not a guarantee of girl/boy either way, of course, but it does tweak the odds a little.
Good luck!
I believe sperms live up to 72 hours, and it takes a day or two just to swim far enough just to reach the egg, so you needn't rule out any possibilities. Good luck! :-)
Just do it lots for the 2-3 days around your dates...good luck
As Alison mentioned the little swimmers can last 4-6 days. In many cases a lot of time an old wives tale is if you're trying for a girl to actually do it that way because the girl swimmers, swim slower but last longer, while the boy swimmers swim faster but die quicker (who knew it started so 'young'..LOL). Anyway...good luck!!
If you are ahead of your ovulation date, you should be fine--better off, in fact, than hitting it right on. Sperm can live in the fallopian tubes for up to 4 days while waiting for the egg. However, the egg only lives 24 hours (or less) post ovulation.
Dear C.:
I would buy yourself and ovulation kit from the drugstore. I think our bodies can be unpredictable so knowing the exact day of ovulation can be hard.
My husband and I used the ovulation sticks and the color changes when you are about to ovulate so you know when to time intimacy.
We used them and I got pregnant that very first month. We also made a point of trying to squeeze in a couple of romantic rondezvous at that time rather than just giving ourselves one chance.
This was of course with our first and only child so easier than trying to work that in with a child already in the house.
The other suggestion is of course the "Baby Moon". If you guys can get away for a few days or even an overnight when you are ovulating it might help. Everyone I know with two kids swears that that little bit of one on one time can make all the difference.
Hope any of this might be useful and GOOD LUCK! :)
I think that those ovulations calendars are for people with 28 day cycles (unless you go online where you can type in how long your cycle is. I got pregnant and when I went to the doc's they told me I was X weeks along. They were using the little chart that is used for people with 28 day cycles. I explained to them that I had a 35 day cycle, so after taking a look at my first ultrasound at 5 weeks, they agreed and adjusted my date, so if you used one that was not adjusted for your cycle, it may not have been 100% accurate. Good luck! Anything can happen. One day is so close that maybe you will be pregnant.
I would try the actual ovulation kit's if at all possible... The calendar's aren't always accurate.. it took us a yr to concieve when I was using the conception calendar and got pregnant the month I used a kit.. turns out I ovulate way later then the calendar had me believing... Good luck!!!
Hi C.,
When my husband and I were trying we turned to calendars, fancy ovulation kits, and the thermometer. Nothing worked. Then we saw my doctor who gave us the best plan EVER. She said, ten days after my next cycle to have sex every other day. We gave it a try and got pregnant right away.
Sperm can stay active for up to 72 hours after ejaculation.
Good Luck,