Dear K.
My theory was my child had to have 2top and 2 bottom
front teeth before I gave them table food so one of mine
got table food when he was almost a 1yr old the other one
was 5monthe old when he started on table food because
he had 6 teeth and the girls were about 7or 8 months
when I started them on table food. I did the ceral in
and a bottle for the morning and a couple hors after that
another bottle then nap then for lunch I would have some
table food. Here are some things i mashed up Mash tators
and I would cut up greenbeans and I gave them corn , cut
up fruit I would take the seeds out of the bananas and I
would start getting them use to a sippy cup at lunch and
for supper I had someone tell me to give them foods
that have starch in them it stays with them longer in
the evening and at bedtime they got a bottle.
Hope this helps you some. B. K