Overdue Blues

Updated on August 12, 2008
E.M. asks from Brick, NJ
20 answers

Hi, just looking for a place to vent a little bit. Today is my due date and I am having a really hard time being patient. I was 5 days late with my daughter, and I had hoped this guy would come at least on time. You know it's been a hot summer and I am at the point where I can only walk for a few minutes at a time without having to pee or sit down - my pelvis aches so much. Every morning I wake up and say "today could be the day," but by 9pm I am so grouchy and tired. Anyone else out there waiting?????

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So What Happened?

I just wanted to let everyone know that I delivered my son, Santino, on 8/13. He weighed 8lb, 13 oz (hence feeling so tired and heavy!). Both he and I are doing wonderfully. Thank you for all the support.

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answers from New York on

Awwwww I do feel your pain, I really do. I was so miserable at the end of all my pregnancies. My son was 28 days late. The one thing that got me through the waiting was remembering it was all about the baby, not me. I kept telling myself, "Babies are born on their birthdays, not a due date." You'll get thru this and then you'll have a story to tell. :-)

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answers from New York on

hi E., just wanted to send some hugs. my 2nd baby was born on july 31st, on her due date. she was big and so was i, and it was hot hot hot. i walked up and down the block the night before, reeeeeeal slow till i was ready and called the doc. just wanted to say i feel your pain and i wish you the best of luck.

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answers from New York on

If your baby hasnt arrived as of today, try this. Put a hot pack or very warm towel over your boobs all day, on & off. It stimulates hormones for labor. Also have your hubby massage the outer side of your ankles, about 4 finger widths above the bone. This also stimulates labor. I did both of these & had my son that night, 3 days early!



answers from Syracuse on

I can totally relate! My first was originally due Oct 7. Sometime during my pregnancy they moved it back to Oct 14. Then that date came and went. I finally had him on Oct 27 (20 days after my original due date!). Everyday my MIL would call asking what was going on. Ugh. I stopped answering the phone, didn't want to go out because people would exclaim at how big I was and ask when I was due (2 weeks ago, thanks for asking). It's so tough and people are just trying to be nice, but they don't realize that it's all you can think about. Good luck!! (Hopefully you're reading this with your new baby in arms!)



answers from New York on

I'm not pregnant now, but I spent weeks feeling exactly like you do! (I actually started getting REALLY grouchy 2 weeks before, convinced he would come early. Um, no. 1.5 weeks late...)

So I just wanted to express my sympathy, but also my jealousy that you have a new baby coming so soon! I know this sounds lame- but try really hard to sleep before you have two little ones demanding all your time and heart! And good luck with your delivery. :)

PS I wouldn't do the castor oil thing...my midwife said it would make me have bad cramping and diarrhea, but not help bring the baby faster! You're obviously staying active, teaching yoga and all, so right now all you can do is wait. :(



answers from New York on

Hi E., I know how you feel, my first son was due Aug. 27 and he was three days late. It felt like an eternity. My second was due Oct. 1st and he was 2 weeks late!!! Ugh. Try to be patient, only baby and God know when it is time. My best, Grandma Mary PS a safe delivery and a happy baby)-)



answers from New York on

My doctor told me to eat eggplant. Sounds crazy, but it put me into labor!


answers from New York on

I know how you are feeling. I was 8 days over due. Every day that went by drove me crazy! They ended up having to induce. I went in at 7 am and ended up having a c-section cause I wasn't dilating. My contractions were 2 1/2 minutes apart. She was born at 4:50 PM. I was never so relieved to finally have her here. I felt like I was going to burst if she didn't come out! She was born in January so it wasn't so bad. I feel for you, you poor thing. I know it's hot and to feel the way you do. But hang in there and when you get to hold that precious bundle of joy you will forget about it all. Good luck and congrats!



answers from New York on

LOL Go for a ride on a bumpy road or better yet an ATV in a field. Your son is a typical man wanting to keep us waiting till he is ready and then watch out...he will be rushing YOU!!
Good luck and GOD Bless.



answers from Albany on

Hey E.-

I'm due with my second on August 20, so I'm still 10 days away. My first was 10 days "late" and I'm feeling SOO ready right now that I can't imagine being even one day past my due date. Running after my almost 2 year old is harder every day. I also have to pee when I walk and I have Braxton-Hicks that practically take my breath away all the time. Not to mention the discomfort trying to sleep at night. It sucks. But, I'm trying to get the due date out of my head. Not really working great, but I'm trying. At least, I'm trying not to fixate on it. I don't really have much advice, just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I'm sure there are tons of us miserable pregnant ladies out there, waiting impatiently for labor to begin.




answers from New York on

Hi E.,

I totally understand! Last summer I was due with my second daughter. She was 4 days late, but I was walking around for 2 weeks at 4cm dialted! Everyone including my OB thought I was going to deliver early. Well, I didnt and I was miserable at the end! I kept going to the hospital thinking it was time and they would just send me home. The night before my due date, my childhood friend got married. I totally didnt want to miss the wedding, so off I went with my bag packed and ready to go to the hospital. I drank and danced the night away and still no baby! Finally I was told to eat eggplant. Apparantly it has natural potossin in it. Did not know this but was willing to try anything... My hubby went out got me an eggplant parm wedge. I ate that at noon by 1:00pm I started to have contractions! Not saying it works, who knows. Just another wives tale you can try out! Good luck and as someone else said enjoy the time you havenow before baby, b/c just like your first life does change! Good Luck and I wish you well.



answers from New York on

I know how hard it is. I remember waiting and waiting...and waiting. My sister-in-laws were both early with their babies, so they were calling weeks before my due date and asking if there were any "changes." It was December, I was huge, and I did not want to go anywhere because I was uncomfortable and the weather was bad. I ended up being 4 days late, and in the end he went transverse in my belly and had to be manually rotated 2 days before I went into labor. In retrospect, I wonder why I was so miserable, I was about to have a baby. BUT, I also remember how uncomfortable I was, how everyone was calling to see where the baby was, and I just wanted to meet HIM! Best of luck and I hope it happens soon. Try all the H's, hot food, hot sex, and hot showers...also long walks. Even if they don't work, at least you will feel like you are doing something. It is just plain old hard at the end. Let us know when your baby comes!



answers from Utica on

Sorry this was never my problem. I was always surprised when it was time to deliver the baby. Maybe you should forget your due date. You already know your first one was late. Does it make you feel better to be grouchy because this was not THE DAY?



answers from New York on

Oh E., I understand how you feel. I was 12 days late with my first baby. I was so sick of people telling me what I needed to do to get the baby moving because in all honesty, he will come when he is ready and not a minute sooner!!! Just keep thinking that you are providing such a cozy nest that he just wants to stay close to you. As difficult as it is, really try to enjoy the last minutes of your time with one child and time without a newborn. Focus on you as much as possible.

As a side note, I would highly suggest not going down the castor oil route. I have 4 cousins who are labor and delivery nurses all over the country and each one has said that the majority of women who have gone the castor oil route are so ill by the time labor rolls around that they are dealing with labor pains and all of the sickness that comes with castor oil. Each one has said they would 100% suggest against using castor oil as an induction method. Even my gyno has said the same. Your son will come when he is ready. No point in making yourself sick.



answers from Rochester on

If your looking to self induce labor... May I suggest "castor oil". You can get it in the lazative section of any pharmacy. I found this recipe online to mix 2ozs with an 8oz serving of chocolate slimfast. It is tasteless and odorless, but the gross part is that it has the consistancy of veg. oil. I took it around 4PM was getting sick by 6PM and by 8PM my contractions were 5 min apart. My son was born at 5:03AM the next morning. He'll be a month old tomorrow. It's not the most pleasant, but it gets the job done.
Good luck,



answers from New York on

My first two were early, so with #3 I took off work early just to give myself some time. Imagine my surprise when #3 showed up 10 days late!
I read and tried every trick in Susun Weed's book- Herbs for the childbearing year. She's got loads of ways to bring on labor.
Also spent a lot of time in a tub, talking to my baby/ belly encouraging her to come on out!
Hang in there!



answers from Syracuse on

I'm not pregnant, but just writing to send you best wishes...
Hopefully you're delivering right now - and if not, soon...being overdue is hard...Most of us have been there...I was 8 days OD with our first...I do sympathize.

Best wishes to you, along with a prayer for a speedy, pain free delivery!




answers from New York on

RELAX and enjoy the calm before the noise.!!! I was 10days past due with my last child and thought it would never end. I was scheduled for induction and spent a relaxed day with my husband shopping, dinner out and a movie. The 5 1/2 year old was with the grandparents. The movie we saw was the 2nd Pirates of the Carribean. We laughed so hard my stomach hurt. When I went in for the induction I was having contractions 8 minutes apart and didn't know it! Babies arrive in their own time and your dr. probably won't let you go much past the 10 day mark.

Here are a few things to try to speed things along: Laughter and a lot of it (it worked for me), sex, or a really bumpy road (that worked for my mom). Hang in there the baby can only stay so long and then you will miss the quiet of pregnancy! A.



answers from New York on

Hang in there! My first was born in late July, 2 weeks overdue, and we were in a house with no AC. Everyday, I thought, "Surely, THIS is the day." Enjoy this time as best you can, because once your little baby comes out, he's never going back in! You will look back and laugh at your misery one day; I sure do. Now, when it's so unbearably hot that I'm splashing cold water on my face, I get nostalgic for being pregnant.



answers from New York on

hi E., i know you already know this , but he won't stay inside forever, and who ever really knows the real due date. just enjoy the last days of pregnancy( as much as u can) because soon craziness will start - sleepless nights, constant feeding, burping and chagin- and its only harder because you already have a 2 yo! so spend precious time with your daughter, you'll rarely have one on one time with her again. try not to think about your due date and focus more on you daughter.good luck and easy delievery!

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