Maybe you should be empathetic. Maybe you should express sincere concern for her.
Instead of avoiding her completely (hasn't worked because she is having outbursts and you are reacting to them) you might want to face this head on WITHOUT resorting to a physical response (I know you are kidding, so am I) or anything else as unpleasant.
BE SUPPORTIVE. Be kind. Offer her a cup of water when she is acting like that. Check in with her ahead of time and see what she needs. Are there people she is close to? Ask them if there is anything she needs. Pull her aside and do a check-in with her and see if that helps.
Maybe there is some drama in her personal life. Maybe she really needs some patience right now. Maybe it has nothing to do with you or her "hating" you.
Maybe take her out for coffee.
"Hi, can we talk for a minute.... I've noticed you've been snapping at me and it's really upsetting me. Is everything OK with you? What's going on? Did I do something wrong? What are your plans for the year? What would you like to see get done? blah blah blah"
And let it sit out there in the open so she can stare at it. Let her own up to it. She will either check herself ("Ohmigosh, I had no idea I was acting like a witch, to you, I'm so sorry...") or tone it down.
You don't need to quit your position if you love it so much. I would ignore it if it didn't stop and do my best (if I cared that much about the position).