Yeastaway by Boiron. Homeopathic. No side effects.
this is the best price i've seen:http://www.vitacost.com/Boiron-Yeastaway-Vaginal-Supposit...#
Good Luck
I may have yeast infection in the virgina area. Could you recommend any good over the counter cream that I can try? Thanks!
Yeastaway by Boiron. Homeopathic. No side effects.
this is the best price i've seen:http://www.vitacost.com/Boiron-Yeastaway-Vaginal-Supposit...#
Good Luck
If you are not sure, I would head to the doctor. Bacterial vaginosis can have similar symptoms and requires a different medication to clear it up. Just to be on the safe side and not waste time or money, I'd have a doctor confirm it to make sure.
There are many over the counter brands.
Try one with "Clotrimazole" in it. That is what my Doc recommends.
OR, simply ask the Pharmacist at the store.
Generic form of Monostat. They have the same active agreement. I will tell you that I never had success with them unless I did the 7-day probgram. Do yourself a favor from now-eat yogurt that has acidophillis bacillus in it like Dannon. Activia doesn't have the bacteria necessary. Remeber to look at the ingrediants. Another alternative to maintenance is go to your local natural food store and get the capsules. They will be refrigerated and need to keep that day. I hope this helps.
I've never reacted well to any of the OTC creams.
I call my OB's office and have them call in a Diflucan pill. Without insurance it's still only like $5-10.
Vagisil. Insert and go to sleep. You will be ok in the morning.
the monistat is really good ... if u go to ur docs they prescribe pills. Too work even better .. hopes this helps =)
Rite Aid worked great.
have you ever tried plain yogurt? it actually works ..any brand should be fine..just put some on the area and try to get some inside..do this for a few days in a row.
Monostat is the one my gyn recommended. The cream is easier to use than the suppositories. Use it at night before bedtime. I found the 7 day is most effective because it gives you a whole week to get better. The prescription pills work well too and may be less expensive than over the counter but your doctor might want you to come for a visit before giving you a prescription.
Hope this helps.
I always did fine with the generic creams, but I like the 7 day ones better than the 3 day. If you've never had a yeast infection check with your doctor to be sure that's what it is. Besides the creams or prescription pill you can also take AZO yeast pills. They help balance your body's bacteria to treat a yeast infection & prevent them from recurring.