What a wonderful thing you are doing for yor daughter by keeping her close to you through the night. Only in America is this considered out of the norm and I would continue to do what you are doing and ignore those that say anything negative. In most other countries people actually WANT their children close to them day and night! Statistics show that many many people actually co-bed or room share and choose not to say anything to their pediatrician or even to friends/family because of old-fashioned negative stigma. You are not unusual, people just do't talk much about the fact that they do it too!
What a blessing that your daughter gets to enjoy the comfort and security of knowing you are close by if needed. She must sleep at ease and enjoy peaceful dreams! I have always thought it odd that we expect our babies to be incapable of talking, using the toilet themselves, eating solids etc yet somehow people will tell you that they should 'learn independence' and somehow have this advanced cognitive thinking to start understanding that Mommy and Daddy are just down the hall, that there is nothing going to get them in the dark, that being alone should be fun?? I just have never bought the idea that a baby or toddler has this level of logic and reasoning and I have always felt that they were meant to be close, day and night as humans are in other countries and how animals are in the wild. Personally, I want by children to reach for me when they are developing and maturing rather than 'soothe themselves' or 'learn independence' or reach for something inanimate....I want to be close by and needed while I still have the opportunity. Soon these little ones will be off on their own and you will cherish the time you had with her, close by in your room. Enjoy her now...