Anything that is just an everyday receipt (groceries, gas, clothes, books, etc) I put in my guest room closet (use a bin) for 30 days or so. Then I shred or burn it.
Anything that is a bigger ticket item, or comes with a "manual" (electronics, TV, washer/dryer, lawn mower, coffee pot, etc), I staple to the inside cover of said manual, and keep the manuals all in one drawer. But you could designate a book shelf or bin if that works better for you. I found that all the manuals are different sizes, so just dumping them in a deep drawer is what I do.
Other than that, what kinds of receipts are left?
If you mean statements (like credit card or bank statements) then I keep a hanging file folder of those. I shred/burn the credit card statements when they are over a year old (add them to the bin in the guest closet, lol) and file the bank statements in with my tax paper storage each year. (I get a manila envelope from my tax preparer with everything I have provided them, plus the actual tax forms, and then I slip in that years corresponding bank statements and payment stubs/LES). I store those by year for 7 years.
After reading your "added": If you have the space, I would get 2 additional bins(shoe boxes). Put your receipts for clothing/shoes/purses that you are concerned about needing to return in one bin. Fill it for 6 months. Then start putting receipts in bin #2. At the end of a year, dump bin #1 (shred/burn or toss if there isn't any personal info on it) and start filling bin #1 again. At the end of the next 6 months, dump bin #2 and start refilling it. And so on. That way, you will keep all your receipts for a minimum of 6 months before tossing them. Most places won't honor a return older than that anyway. And usually by then, you'll know if you need to return/exchange something.