Hi L., the first thing is to congratulate you on this venture - it truly is a dedication to your sons health. I pack my sons lunches and the second thing I would like to tell you is to watch out for lead in the lunch bag. You can get a two pack of lead paint testers ($4.oo) at the local home store. swipe the inside of the bag to see if the swipe test turns pink. If it does, get rid of the bag - do not give it away, just throw it away. Next get a thermos vacuum insulated food container (make sure it is stainless steel.) Jahshua uses his everyday, as he likes warm food for lunch - items like soup, chili, rice and beans, Chinese fried rice, noodles, etc. Also look for a good reusable sandwich/burger container, as well as a good small sized stainless steel drink container. If you use plastic, look for a number 5 for the recycle code, this is least likely to leach harmful chemicals into the food. And be ready to wash his/her lunch kit by hand. It doesn't take much time at all once you get into the habit...I give us an extra 30 minutes a morning to make lunch and for them to eat breakfast while I do it. good luck and have fun with it - but let your child tell you what they want and give them healthy options - they are more likely to eat whats in there! ;-)
As for some ideas for snacks - use granola bars, cheese crackers (without MSG), pretzels, fruit, cheese cubes, ritz crackers (whole grain), Kashi whole grain crackers, etc, etc, there are so many good snacks out there on the market, you just need to find the ones that your child likes! Oh, and sometimes I find organic fruit snacks and roll ups at the discount grocery stores for a fraction of the high supermarket prices.