My son (2years 5 months) has been in his for about 2 months due to his length. He had outgrown the heights recomendations for his other seat. He loves it! I love it too. Pros, easy adjusting, cup holder that works, arms come up and down, lots of padding (we do a lot of long distance cross country trips) moveable crotch strap, head gaurds for when they fall asleep. Cons depending on the car can be difficult to install the first time until you figure it out. We had some problems with it because the center position where I wanted to keep him in our Jeep grand cherokee is too narrow for the base of the seat. My son finds this as a bonus because he gets to sit next to the window. Straps can fall behind the child making difficult to get to. The book recomends that you put the arms up and loop then over them to hold the straps in place while you put your child in and out. This works great! It is a heavy seat if you plan on moving it a lot. the favric is not too bad, it is not a s heavy as say the roundabout but it seems to breath better and does not hold the heat.
I would buy it again. I don't know where you are looking at purchasing it but I got mine off of Diapers.com and they send it next day mail for free. They were also cheaper than any other place and will price match. I am always about saving money. they are having a britax sale right now too.
Hope this helps.feel free to write back if you want to no anything more about it.