I delivered my son at Medical Center of Plano in Feb. 2006 and will deliver my second there next month. I had a wonderful experience there and can't say enough good things- particularly about how caring and helpful the nurses were. My son was breech so I went through an external version, then being induced, and finally when I didn't progress a c-section. The nurses were so great through all of it. In fact, the doctor that delivered my son has since moved to Presby Plano, so I changed doctors so I could deliver at MCP again.
Also, my son had to be in NICU for two days and they could not have been more wonderful there. MCP has a Level III NICU which is prepared for just about anything. That is a must for me from now on. Chances are you won't need their services, but it's so good to know that they will be prepared if you do!
Congratulations to you and your family!
God bless,