Dear T.,
I'm not sure what you mean by on-line divorce services so I can't really comment on that. But, I helped my mom file her uncontested divorce. It's really easy.
Just go to the clerk's office at your county courthouse and request a dissolution of marriage packet for uncontested, no children, no marital assets to divide. They will give you all the forms you need and tell you what the filing fee is.
Then, you can go to
The forms are available there, including instructions and the ability to use fillable forms and then print them out. (Not all forms are fillable, but I think the ones you need are).
Anyway, you just fill out the forms, file 4 copies with the court (they say you only need 3: one for yourself, one for your ex and one for the court, but I always like to have an extra). They will give you a court date at the time of filing.
Your ex needs to be served and I don't believe it can be done by mail in this instance although the clerk's office can tell you that. You can have anyone over the age of 18 that is not a party to the motion give the forms to your husband along with his blank response papers. The person over 18 signs a very simple proof of service form and that goes back to the court to be part of the file.
Your husband's forms will ask if he does or does not consent and then he signs them and files them with the court. If he agrees to everything then he doesn't even need to show up for court. A judgement will be entered and you'll be done.
It's not as complicated as it sounds.
Like I said, I'm not sure about the online services. I'm sure you could find a paralegal to help you with the forms if you are super busy, but it's really not that difficult to do yourself and I'd rather trust myself than someone I didn't know. Unlike my own divorce, my mom's was a snap.
I wish you the best of luck and I hope this info helped.