my daughter had the same prob, she was actually stuffy before we even left the hospital and it lasted for almost 2 months. i never figured out what caused it. she's had a few colds since and always get really stuffy. i recently found out a remedy from daycare, its sounds really strange, but i tried it and it works. at bedtime, you put vicks on the bottom of her feet, a lot of vicks, and put socks over it. it helped my daughter a lot, cause she was so stuffy and coughing so much, she could barely sleep, and when i did that, she didn't cough at all that night and slept pretty much all the way through. if you've never used vicks on her, i would suggest putting just a small dab on her arm or leg first, earlier in the day, and see if she has any reaction. if not then she should be good to go. also, i don't think its allergies. babies are not born allergic to stuff. they develop allergies from repeated exposure to allergens. its rare for kids to develop allergies before the age of 3 or 4, except maybe for food allergies. but of course at this age, she's not eating regular food yet, so unless she has a milk allergy (if your formula feeding), i don't think thats the cause. i don't know for sure, but i think maybe my daughter had the prob cause she was a couple weeks early and mayber her sinuses hadn't completely developed yet. anyway, good luck, i know how hard this is!!!