Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations! I found out today, I'm expecting too!
I think its generally recommended to wait to do things like that until 12 weeks... :)
Well took another test Sat morning and said pregant. Yay! It's been 7 years since last child so it's like starting over again(scared to death, after last year's miscarriage). Anywhoo havent even seen a doctor yet but was planning on coloring my hair from a store bought box Monday for fun. Is it safe to do that?
thanks for the fast anwers! Will definately wait until after 12 weeks, I've always changing up my hair and need a change. And will be sure to ask doctor this week too.
Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations! I found out today, I'm expecting too!
I think its generally recommended to wait to do things like that until 12 weeks... :)
Wait until you see your Dr. I believe it's not recommended in the first trimester/
Anything that's questionable should wait out the first trimester. I personally did not color my hair at all during my pregnancies, but I also ate all organic and such, so I'm bit more of a chemical-worrier than most.
Congrats! I know how you feel I just had my second child in Dec....my oldest is 6! I was freaked out too! It's ok, it comes back to you after you do everything the first time with your new little one...like baths for one...I was bad at this with my second when I did this the first time...the second time I was a pro! I wanted to color my hair with my frist...but I waited...I didn't feel comfortable with it...if I questioned it I didnt do it. I hope you have an easy and fun pregnancy!!!
Everything I've seen says while it's probably safe to dye your hair, most doctors will recommend waiting till after the first trimester. But ask your doctor to be sure. Congrats and good luck!
It's safe to do so, just be sure that the area is well ventilated.
no-your hair looks lovely!
Call your obgyn and ask them on Monday morning before you color your hair. There are things you can do after the first 12 weeks that are better not done in the first trimester. Better safe than sorry. Congratulations!
I colored my hair through all 3 of my pregnancies with no problems. The doctor office told me that no one knows of the effects so maybe lay off the first trimester, but I didn't (I am coming in all gray now). I think it is ok. My doc told me after my miscarriage last year that there was nothing I did that caused it, it was doomed from the start, so I don't think that some coloring will cause any harm.
Everyone is in a different place when it comes to chemicals. To be on the safe side, I probably wouldn't. If you need "something", you might be better off in a salon, where they can give you highlights, using foil, so most of the chemicals will stay off of your scalp. Good luck!
I asked my hairdresser about this when I was pregnant and coloring my hair and she said as long as it's not touching my scalp I'm good. Don't know if I would risk doing it myself especially if there have been difficulties in the past, but that's my overly cautious side talking.