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You can send a message (PM) to people by clicking on the person's profile and then clicking on "send a message".
To say thanks - the ladies have already answered it!
I've received flowers for answers. How do I give them?
I'm sure I'm looking right at it. But I'm used to facebook where I click "like".
thank you!!! I guess my attention to detail isn't that good!!!
Welcome to Mamapedia!
You can send a message (PM) to people by clicking on the person's profile and then clicking on "send a message".
To say thanks - the ladies have already answered it!
Below a person's response is the button... "send a flower"
at the bottom of every post it says "send flower"
"Hey Stupid!" No just kidding, I couldn't resist - sorry (I know, I'm lame).
Welcome to Mamapedia! Look forward to seeing you around...
Welcome. To send a flower hit the button below the post that says "send flower" and then you send a flower to that person.
send a flower. This is pretty much like facebook.
What I can't figure out is how to delete them from my inbox! I open them, but they remain in the inbox.