What an awesome post... brought tears to my eyes, actually!
The other morning, my son and I were lounging lazily in bed watching cartoons. I was still kinda drowsy, closing my eyes off and on... and my son (almost 5, btw), leaned over and kissed me. Now don't get me wrong, we kiss all the time, hundreds of times daily - lol... But seriously, is there anything better than a completely unsolicited kiss from your child? I mean, just knowing that HE *wanted* to show ME that kind of love and affection. Priceless. Talk about a WOW moment.
There are just too many of those moments to mention... the times I stop and realize how blessed I am, and how much I *enjoy* my son. I really do. Like you said,*he* is the one person in the world who I can be totally myself, totally free, and totally open with without any apprehension. I love him wholly and freely. And it *IS* wonderful.
Thank you for posting this.