Officially Mrs. K

Updated on July 23, 2012
V.K. asks from Chisago City, MN
14 answers

I just wanted to let everyone know that our wedding yesterday went almost perfectly! The weather was great, and guess what? I didn't trip while walking down the aisle... I tripped every where else that I went cause the dress was a smidge too long, but I managed to stay up during the walk down the aisle. Everyone had a great time and I am very happy to (Finally) be Mrs. K!

So, because I have to have a question... If you could change something about your wedding day, what would it be?

The only thing that really went wrong yesterday was that Oliver refused to have a nap before the ceremony. He was fine during the ceremony, but after the ceremony he was very crabby and we only got a couple of pictures of him looking happy in his cute little suit. So if I had a do-over... I would force the kid to take a nap! LOL

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answers from Pittsburgh on


Glad to hear it went well...and a crabby kid isn't THAT big of a deal--at least you got a few good pix of him smiling, right?

(My wedding went pretty well as I can't think of anything I would have changed. Oh--except I was pretty sick...a clear nose would have been nice!)

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answers from Seattle on


May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows.

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answers from Houston on

Looking back the only thing I would change about my wedding is the guy I married! lol

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answers from Houston on

Great for you!

I would have insisted that my husband's sons dress nicely. I was so busy not making a big deal of it that it didn't occur to me that I should have encouraged my husband to impress upon them that it was a big deal. My husband and I were dressed up, just because we wanted to be. The several people whom we invited (Thursday afternoon, some on lunch break) decided on their own to dress nicely. The boys (then 25 and 12) wore athletic gear and jeans. And that's how they've treated me ever since. I would go back and change that detail. Oh, and my hair. I wouldn't have made the curls so tight.

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answers from Philadelphia on

nothing. all of the flaws were remembered as funny stories that my ex and I can share with our daughter.

When I get married again I want a small wedding.

I had the big fairytale wedding now I J. want the happily ever after=)

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answers from Phoenix on

Congrats! I guess I sort of got a do-over since I'm divorced and remarried! LOL! My first wedding was big and cost over 10k. My second was a destination and cost about $2600 for everything. It was over a 4 day weekend and about 35 people went. We had a great time! However, I would have had a different photographer. She was HORRIBLE!!! I only have a handful of "decent" pictures. Other than that, we are married, and thats the whole point! =)

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answers from Chicago on

Awww, congrats!!

Honestly, I think I would have spent more time visiting with my guests, and less time on the dance floor. Not that I neglected my guests, but I wish I would have realized at the time how rare it was going to become to see my side of the family who traveled all the way from the Twin Cities to Chicago for our wedding.

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answers from Chicago on

If I had to do it again.................I would do a destination wedding. I also wouldn't have chosen 3 of the 6 that stood up with me....well, if we were going to do a destination wedding I guess I wouldn't have all those people standing up anyway!



answers from Boca Raton on

Well, ahem, I've been married twice.

If I had it to do over again (heaven help us) I'd have a small, modest wedding and save the big $$$ for a home. I had a small wedding the 2nd time around and it rained like crazy, but it's lasted, at least so far.




answers from St. Louis on


My only thought would be: I was young, just turned 19. If I had more weddings under my belt, then I wouldn't have forgotten placing flowers in/around my cake. It looked very lonely!



answers from Sacramento on

CONGRATS!!! OK to answer your question... where to start, hmm lets see maybe the part where the preacher (my hubbys uncle) preached about fornication for 10 minutes, while our 2 children ages 27 and 5 months sat there ( I swear I ALMOST walked out) or the part where he called me the wrong name while having us say our vows, OH wait no the part where his family started eating before we ate oh no wait the part where my new inlaws wanted to leave before we even cut the cake because they wanted to visit with the preacher uncle! Other than those few little things nothing! LOL Funny thing is as tightly wound as I can be I let all of that not bother me at the time because I kept telling myself I married this AWESOME man, father of my beautiful kids and not his family. lol!



answers from Portland on

I thought our wedding day was just great. My only 'change' would be that my folks would have gotten a clue later on (back at our house), when my son was fussy and tired, that it was time to be moving along instead of yakking loudly in the living room, keeping him awake. (He was nearly 2 at that time. Wore him in the pack during the ceremony.:) )



answers from Columbus on

Congrats! To answer your question, I would have had the wedding my husband and I wanted and not what our families wanted -- instead of the big (although relatively small -- around 120 people) church wedding, I would have done a small family wedding in St. Thomas. Everything went fine, but it was too pedestrian and included a lot of my parents' friends that they don't even see now. Not our style.



answers from New York on

Nothing really. The day wasn't perfect, but it was a lot of fun! People still talk about our cocktail hour (the country club hired a new chef and he wanted to try out some new items and we were the beneficiaries!).

If I had to pick ONE thing to change, though, it would have been the limo. It was fun, but really pricey and we were in it for about an hour out of the 4 hour rental!

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