Hello K.,
Congratulations on your new baby! I want to tell you about acidophilous, or probiotics. My MIL is into natuarl medicine and wholelistic approaches to healing (I am not), so when my son was born 2 years ago, she suggested infant acidophilous. I have taken acidophilous before (it works GREAT for cold sores), so when she said to give it to my newborn, I was a little skeptical. I asked my pedi about it and he said it was all natural and it was fine for him. What acidophilous does is gives the intestinal tract all the healthy bacteria it needs to work correctly(also known as "flora"). That means no constpation for my son. Also, acidophilous contains the same strain of bacteria that is found in yogurt. I have been giving 1/2 teaspoon to my son since he was 6 weeks old(he is 2 now) and he has NEVER, been constipated. I am not kidding you, my son has always pooped at least 2-3 times a day (now it is more like 1-2 time a day)! We use Udo's Choice Infant Probiotics, that you can purchase at Fruitful Yield. I still give him 1/2 teaspoon every other day in him morning milk and he gets yogurt with his breakfast everyday.
I am sure you can go to any health food store for acidophilous, just make sure it has more than 1 billion viable cells per gram.
I urge you to give this to your son in his formula and you will see a huge difference in his bowel movements. This is what is printed on the bottle:
"One serving per day helps maintain healthy intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system".
Let me tell you again, I am not into "healthy or wholelistic" medicine, but for me to see what acidophlous has done for my son, I love it!
Please let me know if you use it and how it worked!
Good luck,
K. L
P.S. My son was also breast fed for 6 weeks and put on formula after. He NEVER has been constipated!