Do NOT get any vaccines when someone is sick and do NOT use Tylenol in any case as it puts the immune system on hold for up to 21 days and you don't want that when you are sick or getting shots. Also, not to mention the liver damage...
You need to talk with your OB and go see another doctor. Boost everyone's immune system with Vitamin D3 NOW. You can take, easily, up to 10,000 mg a day and the children should be doing 3,000 mg to 10,000 mg as well, for at least a week. If you want articles, sites, talking about this just give me a shout.
Omega 3 - are you taking a good one as well as the children.
Vitamin C - start pumping that throughout the day. I would do 2,000 mg three times a day for myself and 250-500 mg for each of the kids three times a day.
No sugar. No processed foods. No fast foods. These will all weaken the immune system.
Remove ALL dairy/casein from the diets. Do not switch to soy but to an almond or rice or even hemp milks. Daiya makes a great cheese alternative. For baby formula, check out
Wow on the age differences of your children and another on the way. You go girl! Just nurse each one as long as you can and get The Vaccine Book by Dr. Robert Sears. You can go to his website anytime as well.
Steriods are not the best thing to be doing first. And ear infections can be infectious. It is bacterial and bacteria spreads.