I'm the ocd person in our house, so I can relate to your hubby. I'm not sure if he's ocd or not (none of us should be diagnosing him!). I will say he seems to have pretty rigid and possibly irrational rules. The hallmark of any disorder is whether or not it disrupts your daily life. Only you, him, and a therapist can decide that.
Anyway, if he's not ocd but just stubborn and controlling, you guys need to have a talk about who can make rules and how they must be enforced. That's just a communication and respect issue and you have lots to contribute.
If it is ocd, rationalizing won't help. Whether he's ready to admit it or not, he knows many of his rules are irrational, but he can't help it. Funny, because we got a dog last fall and I have the wipe feet of thing as well. I just use a wet paper towel. (But I have a chemical thing too so I don't want to use the baby or disinfectant wipes all the time).
For us, it's a constant compromise. My DD and DH know about the wipe the paws thing and they are fine doing that. There are many of my ocd quirks that they 'indulge'. But there are certain things that I know make no sense and so that's all me. For example, I have a crazy routine for washing dishes and cleaning bathrooms. They couldn't possibly do it right without me standing over them, so for the sake of family harmony, I do those things. So basically, they allow some 'quirks' and not others. And that's ok. This is my ocd, but it's our home and our family so we have to negotiate and compromise often. It's still about communication.
I would suggest conversations like that. Telling him you understand he gets upset about some things and feels better having rules. And some are ok, but some may not be. So first, he can't announce rules, you all need to discuss them. He can say what he likes, and you can discuss how the rule might interfere with family life and decide if they are doable and who will do them. But again, if he is ocd, he will feel compelled that the rule is a must and there will be no talking him out of it. You have to decide how his anxiety can be quieted around this. And if it really severe, you do need to have him consider seeing a therapist.
Good luck to you, and feel free to pm me if you want to talk more.