First of all, congratulations on getting the courage to ask for help.
What I'm about is not what you will want to hear, but something you NEED to. I too had/have severe OCD so know EXACTLY what you are going through.
The thinking that you need to find a way to hide it, but still live it is highly irrational. You will never be able to fully hide it. Asking your family to live with your compulsions is only going to make your OCD worse. I made my husband do all sorts of crazy things to ease my obsessions. Having others accommodate you will make relationships worse and make you think your compulsions are okay, which they are not. You need to find a way to cope with your obsessions so they do not result in the compulsions.
There are several ways you can begin to work through your OCD. First, it comes from within. When you start having obsessive, intrusive thoughts, you need to talk yourself down from them. I'm sure you know deep inside that they are highly irrational. You just need to make that voice stronger to lessen the effects of the obsessive thoughts that are plaguing you. There will always be therapists and medications, but if you are just trying to hide your compulsions, you aren't quite yet in the right mindset to get treatment.
It took me years upon years and finally exposure to my fear (throwing up) that has decreased my obsessive thoughts and compulsions. I put my marriage through hell because of all the accommodations I sought from my husband to make life "livable". I've tried hiding my compulsions so I didn't look "crazy.' None of it works. You have to get to a point where you realize that hiding in your illness is only hindering your growth. I know it's impossible to think you will ever overcome your phobia, but trust me it is possible. I had a phobia of throwing up for almost 20 years, and I just recently started recovering from it by actually throwing up. Exposure to your phobia in small doses can help you get over it.
Trust me, you can get through this!