I nursed my daughter while pregnant with my son and she continued to nurse even when I felt there wasn't anything there.
I am now tandem nursing. I don't feel that there is any rivalry between them at all. My son is only 4 months old so obviously he gets priority but I can comfortably nurse both together now. I couldn't in the beginning and my daughter was pretty pissed off alot. SHe's adjusted now and they hold hands sometimes when they nurse now which is just awesome and priceless. Whenever I'm fed up with nursing a toddler, she does something cute like that and it becomes totally worth it. Nursing can cause slight contractions (I didn't have any until i was in labor) but so can having sex and I read that unless you are told to refrain from sex then nursing is ok too. My daughter was just a few months older than yours when I got pregnant and there was no way she was ready to wean. She still isn't at 26 months old. I felt that the transition was easier for her because she had that constant in her life.