Hi, I am a chiropractor that focuses on holistic pediatric and pregnancy care and this is something we see very often in our office. Recommedations: Lanolin cream is made directly for this issue which you can find at most stores but doesnt always do the trick. Some other options are: putting your breast milk directly on the blister and all over the breast... it really does cure everything (Just a side note if you or your baby or anyone you know gets an infection in their eye breast milk is absolutely the best thing for it. Squirt it directly in the eye) After you put the milk on the breast it is very important to let the breast breathe as much as possible so try not to wear a shirt for a while at home and keep the breast latch of the bra open also. Aloe directly from the plant or organic kind is great too.. but do not use the average kind from the store because the added chemicals would not be good for the baby to intake. You may need to consult a lactition (the Le Leche League meets the 2nd Friday of every month) to aid you helping the baby get a good latch but usually if it is only one breast the baby may have something with her TMJ on that side so she is using more pressure and not latching correctly. This is a common occurance that we see in our office and easy to treat if the case. It is usually caused by the birth trauma through the canal or if she always layed on one side in the womb. The other recommendations should head you in the right way but if you have any other questions for me please do not hesitate to email me at ____@____.com