Well I have nursed all 3 of my babies so I feel I'm a pro at it :) But I remember with my first it was hard, really, really hard. I couldn't get her to latch on right or stay on. When I finally got her on and sucking she would fall asleep within a min. or two. I ended up getting cracked and bloody nipples and mastitis 6 times! But I was determined to get it right and to do it! First thing, if you can't get the baby on call the lactation consultant in your room right away. Have her help you get baby latched. Uncover baby from the blanket, tickle his/her feet, change the diaper etc. to get him/her awake and able to nurse. Then even if baby only nurses for a few min and then stops just take a break. Try again in an hour or so. But don't give baby a bottle in between. If you do that, first baby will be full and not want to nurse and second to get your milk to come in good you need mouth to nipple stimulation. Milk production is all about supply and demand. The more your baby sucks the more milk you will make. And don't go by the clock, breastfed babies will eat every 2 hours or even every hour at first and that is a great way for you to get tons of practicing in and to help stimulate milk production. Also at first you will only have colostrum. That is plenty for baby. I have c-sections so my milk takes a good 5 days to come in. so for the first 5 days my babies get colostrum and nothing else. They were all chubby babies! So don't worry if it takes a few days for your milk to come in and for you to feel like you are actually producing something. you can do it! if you really stick with it you can do it. But try your hardest to not give into bottle feeding right away. That right there can be your biggest down fall.