If Long Island is like NYC, then the 3 yr (nursery school) program is for anyone who will turn 3 by the end of 2011, so your son (and my daughter) will still be 2 when it starts in September. Same for preschool as a 4-yr-old.
if my son is born in oct. when do i start to sign him up for nursery or pre school? two turning three or three turning four? Also, people in my area, which nursery/preschool do you like and why???
If Long Island is like NYC, then the 3 yr (nursery school) program is for anyone who will turn 3 by the end of 2011, so your son (and my daughter) will still be 2 when it starts in September. Same for preschool as a 4-yr-old.
I believe your son would start at two turning three if his birthday is in October.
You can start whenever you want. They have programs from newborns to Pre-K. You would start earlier so your child plays with other children and does organized fun. 18 months and up is a good age. Go online and read about what to expect at nursery schools and what to look for in a place.
Our daughter was two this last October, and we are just visiting places now as registration is open now. I would call some places in your area that look good to you and ask them what their schedule is. You can start at any age, but some places say 2 or 3 and some told us you don't really need to start until 3 unless there is a concern about your child's development. It also depends on your needs as far as day time care goes and whether you feel your child would benefit from the interaction. Good luck! Slots at good places close quickly!