Maybe try having him lay on the couch. You could even rest with him till he falls asleep and then you could get some things done.
Our daughter went through the same thing around that age. (Not the nuk thing because my rule when I was doing daycare was 18 months and it was GONE. I still see almost all my old daycare families so I didn't want to be a hypocrite and let my child have it longer than I let any of theirs.....)
But she stopped taking naps for us for a couple months. She was NOT ready to quit but just couldn't seem to fall asleep. So, after fighting her for awhile, we tried the couch thing and she started taking naps again. I think she just wanted to be near me and the "action" she thought she was missing--LOL.
Then she switched to sleeping in her bed again. And now she's 3 1/2 and back to sleeping naptime on the couch. So, give the couch a try. You have to do whatever you can to help him feel comfortable enough to fall asleep. (BUT DON'T GIVE THE NUK BACK!!! IT CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT HIS TEETH BY NOW.) Give him some options. Say, "do you want to nap in your bed or on the couch?" "do you want to use a blanket or sleeping bag?" If you give him some control you might be suprised!
(We ask our daughter almost every day if she wants to nap in bed or on the couch because she still says she's not tired at every nap...LOL)