I have to say that every child is diffrent, but 23 months is pushing it a little,
You can call birth 23 program , its free and they will do the evaluation and let you know what you can do and if he even needs help, they send a therapist righ to the house, so no worries,
My youngest who is turning 2 on April 18th, had developmental delays, at 8 months he could not even roll over, which was amajor concern for me because i had 2 other children whom were walking at 8 months and 10 months
So needless to say i wass quite concerned and aware that something was NOT right,the doctor said WAIT and see
but i knew in my heart that he was delayed,NOT mentally but physically.
So i called, i felt better safe than sorry,
they came and did the evaluation and said yes he is mildly delayed, but enough ot set up a schedule for him
they said that most parents and doctors wait TOO long, so that it becomes a Larger problem and it makes it harder for them to catch up.
Long story short, he went from a child who couldn't roll over at 8 months to WALKING at 12 months and 2weeks.
This same child who will be 2 in on the 18th, can talk up a storm, he says please and thank you and mommy i want more milk, mommy I need a clean bum, he sings the clean up song, and dances around the house, knows how to sweep the floor, can count to 10 ( except missing numbers 4 and 9 lol)
knows some of his ABC's , and can say several words in russian, I could go on ,
But my point here is DON"T wait until its too late, call them and let them decide as to what his needs are,
He can be perfectly fine, just with MINOR delays,
You wouldn't avoid the doctors office if your child had the flu, or a cut on his arm, so don't do it now,please call them
its worth it,trust me,
Good luck
and congrats!!