Tehe, welcome to adulthood Sista! Don't worry, in another 20 years or so you'll get that mojo back, and by then you'll be good and ready for it!
Happy Birthday!
I just turned 21 on Monday, (yay me -_-) anyway my family and friends kept saying "hey its your big day we need to do something big) my family loves celebrating everyone's birthdays. I remember when I was still a teenager and birthdays were always so exciting to me, I did the sweet 16, the big party when I turned 18 and I use to look forward to my 21st but I actually felt kind of depressed this year and I don't know why. This year I easily took myself out of the spot light cause me and my daughter have been sick for almost a week now, she is pretty much over it and I know the worst is gone for me and I will be better by this weekend. My cousin wants me to go out with her Saturday night to a club here in town, I know she is looking forward to it cause me and her have always talked about doing something fun for our 21st birthdays (she is 4 months younger than me). The last birthday I really celebrated was my 19th and I had my baby shower on that same day just clumped them together. I honestly can't really remember my 20th...
Anyway I guess my question is, did anyone else go through this? I know not feeling well isn't why I don't want to celebrate, I just don't feel fun anymore, or the idea doesn't seem exciting to me. Is this normal??
I just wanted to put this out there... I don't drink, I will admit before I was pregnant I had drank before (oh no underage drinking, I know bad A.!) Anyway I don't like alcohol and after being with a alcoholic when I was pregnant I told myself for the sake of my daughter and myself I would never drink again which isn't a problem since I think it is nasty LOL!!
Tehe, welcome to adulthood Sista! Don't worry, in another 20 years or so you'll get that mojo back, and by then you'll be good and ready for it!
Happy Birthday!
Maybe as you're growing and changing so is your idea of fun. Who in their right mind wants to deal with a hangover AND a toddler? Or hang out somewhere so loud you can't hear yourself think, let alone catch up with your friends.
Maybe a girls spa day or a fancy long lunch would be more enjoyable?
Turning 21 is usually a time when lots of young adults go out with their friends and have a wild night of partying. To someone who has a family and responsibilities it is significant of turning from a teen to an adult and really can start the whole "I am going to get old" kind of thinking. It is easily the first of several harder birthdays, turning 30, 40, and then even 50 can be hard for us. It really signify's the aging process and not just the rite of passage that the party goes think about.
Ha-ha, you are an adult now, congratulation! There are more important things on your plate.
I do not drink either, and I am very much a homebody on a regular basis, so I may not seem too fun.
But I'm content being exactly this way. =)
You don't have to give up your own personal choices to have fun with your cousin--there are plenty of fun things to do outside of the clubs.
Bowling is a blast, especially if you aren't very good! lol
A classy concert, going to see a good comedian, eating at a 5 star restaurant, going shopping, etc.
Everyone's idea of fun is different. You now have a family, which takes a lot of energy, and helps to change what your idea of fun is. Garden clubs and golf become exciting with age! lol
Hope you feel better, and happy 21st birthday!
Welcome to the world of motherhood darling.
I used to be a party queen but things have changed so much for the better since motherhood. I go out to a pub/club max 1-2 a yr now.
I totally agree with Sarah below,a spa day sounds fab.
Happy Birthday
B. k
Welcome to adulthood. I honesty can't remember the last real bday celebration I had.
i didn't...but i know young moms who did. maybe it's the bittersweet feeling, because you know that now that you're a mom, alot of that "fun" stuff is kinda gone now...you've had to grow up. at least it was, for my friends. i don't think it's wierd that you feel that way at all. feel better! maybe you can pull some "fun" out of your birthday weekend.
I think it could be because you are a young mom, and your priorities in life have changed. One of my presents for my 21st birthday was a baby gate! lol (my son was 8 months old at the time) If you were still childless, then the traditional go out and get stupid drunk on your 21st birthday would seem logical and fun to you! But, you have your daughter to think about, and you are maturing faster than your peers. Now that I am almost 30, I have loosened up again. There really is nothing wrong with having a bit of fun, and even getting a little tipsy, even though you are a parent. Adults do it all the time! Think: dinner parties with wine. And just because you drink occasionally does not make you an alcoholic. It's all about moderation. So, celebrate your birthday with family and friends! It won't make you a bad parent.