Meditation has really helped me. After experiencing insomnia for a few months, I instituted a mediation practice and definitely feel more calm and less anxiety. I have been sleeping so well!
What do you do when you miss the sleep train and then stay awake until 2am? This happened to me last night, and today I had an important meeting with the Mayor. I was dragging myself around while trying to feed the kids breakfast, get one of them ready for school, and myself ready to present a professional face to the world. My mother swears by dealing with it by watching old movies and a cup of tea in the middle of the night (yes, she realises it could be a stimulant, but it's a comfort to her). What do you do?
Just had to say LOL Lee P. That's exactly what I did last night! Thanks everyone for your ideas. Shall try the melatonin.
Meditation has really helped me. After experiencing insomnia for a few months, I instituted a mediation practice and definitely feel more calm and less anxiety. I have been sleeping so well!
Im a bad sleeper, if I do get to sleep, I never stay asleep, Im up from every 1/2 hour to every 2 hours. The longest I can sleep is 3 hours. I never rush out of the house, I need 1.5-2 hours to get my awake face on, sometimes my eyes just wont open! Melatonin sublinguals should help you get to sleep within 30 minutes.
warm milk and cartoons!
i had that too last night..so i took melatonin..and that helped me..and i have to tell myself not to think..also try laying differently..put your head at the foot of the bed and your feet towards the head..sometimes sleeping "backwards" helps..sucks though..i feel ya! i bought my melatonin at Target.
Usually this happens to me when I have too many ideas in my head. I have to get up and draw them all out. Even though they are rough drafts of my ideas, I'm still purging my brain. When I'm done, I am more relaxed and can go back to sleep.
Hope you get caught up on your sleep soon!
I take a Benadryl, it always makes me sleepy.
melatonin, it's a natural sleep aid. Find it anywhere in vitamin section.
Read something, but nothing too interesting, or that backfires! I also have come to learn that I can function very well on little sleep, as long as I quit thinking about it and just do what needs to be done. Then I almost always sleep really well the next night.