Reabsorption of fetus can be caused by hypothyroidism.
Check your basal body temp every morning with a mercury thermometer.(Go online for instructions on basal body temp and thyroidism). Most blood tests don't pick up thryroidism unless it is drastic. So it allows thyroidism to go unchecked. Check hypothyroid symptoms online and see if you have any. some symptoms are joint pain, short breath, agression, cold skin/can't tolerate cold, tired, depression, memory problems, heavy periods, thinning hair.
Royal Jelly and Iodine should be taken by you to help with fertility and carriage, and also your thyroid. Soy products create high estrogen which work AGAINST fertility. Stop all soy (including soy casienate, Soy extract, hydrolized soy protien, soy flour, soy Milk. Try to get chlorine out of your tap water which also mimics estrogen in the body and can affect fertility and miscarriage. Parabens in lotions and hair products mimic estrogen, so watch for those. I use Mercola brand (found online) for suntan oil that is paraben free.
Idoral is a good form of iodine that you can get online. It was created by a doctor and has both forms of iodine that the body needs. Increase oatmeal, (not instant, but old fashioned, which has iodine.) Also banans, fish.