ADHD is proven genetic (it runs in families), it's just the way that we're born. So while I suppose it's technically caused by sex ;), nothing external causes it. The way some people are born gifted or with perfect pitch or with blue eyes or with dyslexia. It's not something caused by parenting (although parenting can make life VERY hard when it doesn't need to be... imagine a dyslexic who is shouted and screamed at for not reading "right"... trauma & anxiety gets lumped into reading which makes it even harder), or by allergies, or by lack of sleep, or a dietary imbalance (although any or all of these things can cause something that *mimics* the *downsides* of adhd).
ADHD people tend to fall into 2 categories: those who are phenomenally successful, and those who struggle with it all their lives. Those who are very successful tend to be those people who work toward the *strengths* of adhd... those who struggle keep trying to put a square peg in a round hole.
The best way to help your niece would be to educate yourself about adhd (most basically -to help in your search- , that there are 3 forms ; hyperactive mental, hyperactive physical, and hyperactive combined mental & physical. The old definitions -which are still in common use- are:
old : new: defining characteristic
ADD is ADHD-i ; aka hyperactive mental,
ADHD is ADHD-h : hyperactive physical
ADD/ADHD is ADHD-c : hyperactive combined
((My son and I are both adhd-c... I often describe it as "When my mind is moving, my body is still... and when my body is moving, my mind is still."))
All 3 express slightly differently, but since you said ADD, in your research look for both ADD & ADHD-i.
Best resources:
- chadd
- You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?!? by Kate Kelly & Peggy Ramundo
- http://www.hoagiesgifted.com/ (since most adhd'ers are gifted) As a matter of fact for the "daydreaming contingent" / the adhd-i or adhd-c folks getting them into accelerated / GT/ classes or schools can be the single best thing for them academically.