Hi T. My name is Angie. I have a son who has NF1 we just found out about it in Dec.07. He is 14 months as of today3/17/08. My husband and i do not have anyone in our familys that have this so it came as a shock to use when they told use he had Nf1. we have done tons of internet surfing an it is scary. the not knowing so i can say to you i know what you are going though. my son dose not at this point have any neurofibromas but he has more then a 100 cafe spots and he also has the freckling in his groin and arm pits. We have to go every 6 month to a childrens hospital to a Nf clinic for his vison andhearing check. Then we meat with his nf doc and due full body audits for any new simptoms. he is to youg to know what is up yet but i do have 3 older boys at home and two are old enough to know what is going on. My oldest is 13 and he went on the web and since then thinks Hunter is going to die very young like i told him the net is scary and not all is true so if you want a good place to look up info go to www.ctf.org but every time we go to Hunters check up i hold my breath at what they my find. if you would like to talk more or just tell me you stroy please let me know it is nice to have someone other then your spouse to talk with (cleveland WI)